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Privacy Notice

Deutsche Post AG and its subsidiaries operating under the brand eurologisticscourier (hereinafter called 'eurologisticscourier') is pleased that you have visited our website and are interested in our company, products and services. It is important to us to protect your personal data during handling throughout the entire business process. In the following, we explain what information eurologisticscourier collects when you visit our website and how this information is used.

Scope of this Privacy Notice

Deutsche Post AG and its subsidiaries operating under the brand eurologisticscourier (hereinafter called 'eurologisticscourier') is pleased that you have visited our website and are interested in our company, products and services. It is important to us to protect your personal data during handling throughout the entire business process.

In the following, we explain what information eurologisticscourier collects when you visit our website and how this information is used..

  1. Delivery times Delivery timeframes are a priority for the modern consumer, so make sure you cover estimated delivery times to different states and countries.

  2. Lost or damaged products Detail your policy on lost or damaged products in detail. Include whether you replace them, offer a full refund, cover the return shipping costs of damaged goods, and more.

  3. Returns & exchanges Cover your return, exchange, and refund policy, including shipping costs, time restrictions, and more.

  4. Extra charges If in any case there’s delay in making your port and custom clearance, the port authority can add additional security fees and our customers will take care of that responsibility

  5. International shipping If you ship internationally, you need to cover the costs, estimated shipping times, and more for all relevant countries or regions.

  6. DELIVERY PROTOCOLS For security reasons, our agents are highly prohibited to open a sealed package already on transit and if in any case they go against this rule he/ she will be penalised also for security reasons our consigned agents are meant to deliver the package to the receivers address.

  7. Taxes and import fees If you handle international orders, you also need to cover foreign sales tax and import fees, and whether you handle them and calculate them into product prices on your site.


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